What is the story of Sadako Sasaki? | The Complete Story of Sadako Sasaki by Sue Dicicco and Masahiro Sasaki | Book Review and Discussion

65 Views November 21, 2021

We all have heard and read about Anne Frank (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P4XS…) but not about this Hiroshima born Sadako – a lively and athletic 11 year old – who became a victim of “atomic bomb disease”  I especially appreciate the way we come to know Sadako and what a giving, selfless person she is. A large lesson from the book is omoiyari-no-kokoro – the act of showing empathy and concern. I strongly recommend this as required reading for the young generation, which will hopefully be more capable of empathy and imagination. 


“I shall write peace on your wings and you shall fly all over the world.”

  – Sadako Sasaki