How did Hitler steal pink rabbit? | When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit By Judith Kerr | Book Review and Discussion

35 Views November 21, 2021

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit By Judith Kerr: A touching duo of simple but affecting autobiographical novels describing the disrupted childhood and coming of age of adaptable Jewish German refugee girl Anna tracing her journey from a comfortable life in Berlin via Switzerland and Paris to London in the Blitz. A version of Kerr’s own childhood flight from Nazi Germany, this is safe reading for children with a very adult journey between its lines

“We’ll come back,” said Papa. “I know,” said Anna… “But it won’t be the same – we won’t belong. Do you think we’ll ever really belong anywhere?” “I suppose not,” said Papa. “Not the way people belong who have lived in one place all their lives. But we’ll belong a little in lots of places, and I think that may be just as good.”

― Judith Kerr, When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit